A clear, comprehensible and practical overview of a complex, technical and detailed topic of Treasury Management.
Day One:
The How and Why of Asset & Liability Management

Session 1: Introduction

Purpose of treasury management

The structure of treasury management

Roles of individuals in treasury management

Session 2: Interest Rates & The Term Structure of Interest Rates

Present value and future value of money market instruments

Simple interest rates and compound interest rates

Financial market infrastructure

Interpreting the yield curve

Treasury Training exercise: Identifying weaknesses in yield curve assumptions

Session 3: Asset & Liability Management

Definition of ALM – how banks make money

Capital adequacy – rules and implications

ALM organisation and infrastructure

Balance sheet management

Credit risk transfer instruments

Bank capital and liquidity

Session 4: Identifying, Measuring & Monitoring Risk

Defining risk

Types of risk:

Market Risk

Credit Risk

Liquidity Risk

Operational Risk

Risk measurement techniques fundamental to treasury training:

A introduction to Value-at-Risk (V-a-R)

Class exercise: Identifying risk in diverse scenarios

Day Two:
Key Treasury Management Instruments & How They Work

Session 1: Money Markets & Fixed Income

Functions of the money market and instruments

Features of domestic and euro markets

Conventions applicable to money market instruments

An introduction to bond pricing

Introduction to Repos

Session 2: Foreign Exchange

We begin session 2 of treasury management training with how the FX market works

Basic FX dealing and terminology

Quoting spot rates

Calculating cross rates

Introduction to the principles of market making

Class exercise: Examining factors that can affect exchange rates

Session 3: FX & Interest Rate Derivatives

Forward contracts

Calculation of forward FX rates

Premium, discount & par concept:

Understanding forward cross-rates

The basics of swap contracts

Session 4: Options

Understanding options

An introduction to pricing options

Option payoff profiles

Option strategies

Overview of FX options

Final Treasury Management Training Course exercise: Choosing a strategy